Mindfulness for Parents
Children are the ultimate teachers. This course is for parents who want to build resilience, patience & calm through the practice of mindfulness.
This course will teach you simple tools to start using now!
Bite sized learning for busy parents - video, audio, questions for self reflection (Nothing longer than 10 - 15 mins)
Weekly opportunities to connect in real time, ask questions and be part of a community (Sessions are recorded if you can't make it)
Building new habits isn’t easy, but with the joyful approach, connection and community, you can be a calmer, more resilient parent in 4 weeks
Research shows that it can be a useful tool to assists parents in helping their kids solve conflicts with more calm and kindness
Give me 4 weeks and I'll help you find more calm & joy in your parenthood journey!
Mindful Parenting
FREE PREVIEWWelcome - thank you for being here!
FREE PREVIEW5 mins to calm the mind & connect with your breath
FREE PREVIEWWhat is mindfulness and why do we need it? (7 mins)
FREE PREVIEWCOAL - Curiosity, Openness, Awareness, Love (2 mins)
When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change - Wayne Dyer
Homework & Review of COAL (5 mins)
Yay - You've completed week 1!
Parenthood - The worlds greatest learning experience!
FREE PREVIEWWelcome to Week 2 + Open with your body & mind (3 mins)
FREE PREVIEWRelax with a guided body scan meditation (15 mins) & explore the workings of your mind (10 mins)
The mind is like a parachute. It works best when it's open.
5 min - Meditation to OPEN
Homework & Resources
Talk & listen with love - especially with those closest to us.
FREE PREVIEWWelcome to Week 3
Guided meditation & awareness - "Every thought I think is creating my future" (15 mins)
We're on autopilot 48% of the time, almost half our life!
Autopilot - who's in the drivers seat? (8 mins)
Meditation - It's not always easy + Homework
Life can never be perfect, nothing lasts and the only time is now.
FREE PREVIEWWelcome to Week 4
Give Love - A short story
FREE PREVIEWPause, breathe and smile + relationships
Guided Meditation - Loving Kindness (12 mins)
Where to from here?
FREE PREVIEWRewiring our brain to the positive
The science behind gratitude
The meaning of life is to find your purpose, the purpose of life is to give it away.
“I thoroughly enjoyed my course with Danica. It has taught me a fresh perspective on how I look at situations that occur in day to day life. It’s helped to ‘re train’ my brain to acknowledge the positives rather than highlight the negatives. I found the breathing practices hugely beneficial to reduce my anxiety as well as giving me tools on how to implement mindfulness in my daily life”
Our first live group zoom session begins 30th August
Guess what! Our minds think like our hearts beat - we can’t just suddenly stop our thoughts. Meditation and mindfulness is a practice, a training of the mind. To help it learn to focus, breathe our way through stressful situations and reduce anxiety.
Of course! Maybe you've tried to learn mindfulness through a book or app and it hasn't stuck? Science shows that we are creatures of habit, we revert back to our old ways and lose motivation. When you enroll with the joyful community, you will have access to the amazing course you can do at your own pace - BUT - you will also have accountability and connection with other people with our weekly Q&A and meditation!
Hell yes! All sessions will be recorded so you can sit back and watch them when it suits you. And of course, email any questions you may have and I'll do my best to find an answer!
"Doing mindfulness with Danica was a great experience that I would recommend to anyone. One thing that really stood out and I took from it was kindness and understanding towards your partner (especially when going through this journey of parenthood) Danica listens, relates and ultimately helped me better connect with my partner" – Dean Tait
We spend so much money on our children, it's time to invest in you! Join our joyful community for 4 weeks of learning, connection and SO much more!